Throughout 2020 the IARU has been busily contributing to and participating in the work of CEPT Project Team SE40 concerning the 23cm band Galileo/GLONASS coexistence topic. Project Team SE40 conducts technical studies relating to space services under the direction of the CEPT/ECC Spectrum Engineering working group WG-SE and was assigned the task at the beginning of 2020. During this year the IARU R1 has provided 7 written contributions and 2 information documents providing the necessary details of amateur applications and activities specific to the 23cm band to enable SE40 to carry out the coexistence studies.
The last SE40 meeting in 2020 was held from 2nd to 7th December and the IARU R1 was represented by Barry Lewis, G4SJH (Region 1 SRLC chair). At that meeting the draft project team working document was further developed with the addition of the Galileo ground-based receiver protection criteria which are needed for the coexistence studies. Without these criteria no meaningful studies have been possible, however now it can be expected that the technical studies will begin in earnest as we move forward into 2021.
This work is also important in the global preparations for the next World Radio Conference where this topic is on the agenda as item 9.1b. To address this the ITU‑R Study Group Working Parties 4C and 5A are working on the issue but with a wider scope covering the global set of radio navigation satellite systems (RNSS) operating in the band 1240 – 1300 MHz.
The IARU supports the action to do this work in CEPT but continues to hold a view that the potential for interference being caused by the amateur and amateur satellite services to the RNSS is being over-stated.