
IARU Virtual General Conference — 2nd Day

The second full day of the Virtual General Conference opened with the first meeting of Committee C4 (HF). The meeting began with a review of the reports from the Committee Chair, the HF Beacon coordinator and the IARUMS coordinator. Discussions then took place on the way ahead for IARUMS, the IARU Monitoring Service, and a number of issues concerning CW operation. The meeting then review the AROS (Amateur Radio Observation Service) and recommended that the role at the centre of Region 1 should be discontinued, as the focus for the work was at national level. C4 will continue on Wednesday.

The next meeting was the first meeting of Committee C7 (EMC). The meeting reviewed:

  • the report from the EMC Committee covering its work since the last conference
  • the Region 1 Noise Measurement Campaign, which seeks to measure the degree to which the spectrum noise levels have risen above current ITU‑R mean levels (P.372 – 14)
  • the work in CISPR on the impact of the increasing range and number of digital devices emitting spectrum pollution

C7 will continue Tuesday with review and discussion of other areas of work for the Committee, including WPT and a more detailed discussion on CISPR work. 

The day ended with the second meeting of Committee C5 (VHF+) which covered the activities in the VHF+ contesting area, including the IT support from the contest robot and consideration of aspects of the rules of some of the VHF+ contests. An additional meeting was held in the evening to further consider aspects of the VHF contest computerised contest checking system (“the robot”).

The final meeting of C5 will be on Tuesday.

Most conference sessions are attracting some 80 or so delegates, with a lively level of discussion. All papers and minutes are available on the contest server at www​.conf​.iaru​-r1​.org 

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