Tonight IARU Region 1 started preparing together with its Member Societies a Workshop with focus on the future of amateur radio. The message being shared in this session is clear. IARU societies are losing members; loss in members in some societies is remarkable in the last ten years, even with good examination throughput. Next to this, persons in leadership roles in these societies are getting older. Not all Member Societies have top team members under the age of 35 years.
The IARU Region 1 Executive Committee shares that it’s time for change and we need to start moving forward. Working together and changing the current trends. We need to refocus our thinking and way of operating.
Main questions and topics which will be covered in the Workshop are:
What is amateur radio today? How is it changing? Where are tomorrow’s radio amateurs? How do others see amateur radio? What do we need to do for the future?
Member societies are called upon to take actively part by nominating people with future oriented mind-set and prepare for this Workshop. Key will be to include new people into the discussion, hoping to reach new ideas and new ways of thinking. The Workshop “Facing the future” is scheduled to be held in October 2021 hopefully in Novi-Sad Serbia, hosted by SRS, the Serbian Amateur Radio Society. A virtual alternative Workshop will be prepared as well.
Facing the future of amateur radio

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