
IARU R1 Youth Working Group connecting with Scouts in Europe

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Team YOTA established a monthly online series called “YOTA Online”. In one of its episodes the main topic covered was the “JOTA/JOTI” scouts event.

Through this one hour live-show we, the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group, connected to the former International Commissioner of the RdP (Ring deutscher Pfadfinder) towards the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), Marcus Klapdor.

Through lots of online meetings and phone calls we were invited to join the German JOTA/JOTI Headquarters during the worldwide event held during 15th — 17th October 2021. Thus, our preparations for putting up a reasonable amateur radio setup for HF and QO100 operations started soon. With the very obliging help of fellow hams we were able to put together and operate the station DL0JOTA. This special callsign was brought on the air at the “Castle Rieneck” near Frankfurt, Germany, by a small delegation of the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group.

While around 20 scouts from all over Germany joined this event, also international active Scouts were present at the location. Claudia Großer (DC2CL), Philipp Springer (DK6SP) and Markus Großer (DL8GM) were very happy to introduce these commited people into the world of amateur radio and its youth working within IARU Region 1. Further, good questions were asked by all attending and were answered in the best way possible. Good talks with the Chairperson of the European Scout Committee within WOSM, Lars Kramm, among others have been very informative and target-oriented. We, as the Youth Working Group within IARU Region 1 will keep this good contact into the committee and will negotiate about future joint-events and cooperations again soon. 

The Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) program included activities like operating a HF radio or via the geo-stationary satellite QO-100 on side-band or digital. Though, the best response from the attending Scouts was the presentation of morse code. We were very impressed what these young talented people already knew and asked in detail with lots of emphasize. Also, skeds with other worldwide Scout groups in different countries like Luxembourg, The Netherlands, England among others were successfully completed. Furthermore, we prepared a small ARDF fox hunt to show off the big variety of our common hobby.

The organizers of this Scout get-together took care of the Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI) part of the event themselves. They programmed little Micro:Bit computers, chatted with worldwide Scouts or printed 3D-models of antennas etc..

In summary, it can be said that the trusting cooperation so far has been a complete success. This was confirmed by the first personal meeting of those involved in the project and is to be continued and steadily expanded in the future. Stay tuned!

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