
Minimum Age Novice- and Full-License in The Netherlands abolished

Today is an important day regarding youth and amateur radio in The Netherlands. To gain more young active radio hams, it is a must that this age group actually has the ability to obtain an amateur radio license. Until today, the minimum age for a novice license was 12 years and for a full license 14 years. It has been published that the minimum age for both licenses will be abolished.

This all started a few years ago by the local VERON section of Breda, which made a proposal for the yearly general assembly of VERON. In this event in 2018 the proposal got accepted by the local departments. VERON continued with this proposal and collaborated successfully with the national regulator (Agentschap Telecom), which lead to this great change.

This example is also showing that it’s actual possible to make changes, volunteers are important in all levels to take amateur radio to the next step.

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