
UPDATE: COVID-19 Situation and YOTA Activities

Despite the COVID-19 situation having improved over the past few months on a global scale, the development and dynamics of the pandemic remain unpredictable. The same unpredictability goes for regulations regarding the pandemic, which in many cases severely limit the ability to hold in-person events with international participants.

To deal with the pandemic situation, an event cancellation policy was introduced earlier this year (https://​www​.iaru​-r1​.org/​2​0​2​1​/​c​o​v​i​d​-​1​9​-​s​i​t​u​a​t​i​o​n​-​a​n​d​-​y​o​t​a​-​c​a​m​ps/), which introduced a four month deadline for a go/no-go decision for in-person events. This four month deadline has however turned out to slightly too far into the future for a reliable prediction.

Accordingly, the IARU R1 Youth WG, in collaboration with the IARU R1 Executive Committee, has made the following arrangement:

Youth events scheduled within 2021 will remain in the calendar for the time being. We, the IARU R1 Youth WG, will review the forecast evolution of the pandemic sufficiently prior to each event and make an announcement about whether it will take place. Generally this will be three months prior to the scheduled date. Those planning to attend should thus have sufficient time to make the necessary bookings and travel arrangements.

IARU Region 1’s intent is to ensure that any events which take place do so in an environment which respects national requirements for pandemic control and which does not place at risk the health and well-being of those participating.

The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group

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