Today, 12th of June, IARU Region 1 and its Member Societies continued the Workshop addressing the Future of Amateur Radio. Member Societies prepared SWOT analysis (including Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) on amateur radio. To get a significant outcome, many asked their members for extensive input. These results were shared in the meeting, showing that, over the Region, there are many common issues but also differences, dependent on the particular environment in which the society operates and its geographical location. To understand the differences on a more detailed level, South Africa (SARL), Serbia (SRS), Tunisia (ARAT) and Spain (URE) shared their findings in a more extensive manner.
In the afternoon, the session continued in break-out groups leading to interactive discussions, refining the outcome of the morning presentations. With this valuable information, a good foundation has been laid for the upcoming sessions including the final Workshop in October later this year.
*Picture: The SWOT summary is highlighting the common topics shared by IARU R1’s Member Societies.