
IARU Reg. 1 VHF & Up Trophy

In the coming weekend, the first edition of the IARU Reg. 1 VHF & Up Trophy is starting.

The main objective of the Trophy is to increase the contest activity during the entire year in all the IARU Region 1 countries on all the bands from 145 MHz to Microwaves.

You can find all the information regarding the IARU Reg.1 contests here :…/vhf-uhf…/vhf-up-contesting/

In particular, here are the IARU Reg 1 Trophy’s rules (extract from the VHF Handbook v.9.01) :…/2022/02/IARU_R1_VHF_Trophy.pdf

All the uploaded logs will be evaluated and a Regional Classification will be published in the IARU R1 contest robot (https://​iaru​.oevsv​.at).

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