
Status Update: HAMCAMP during HAMRADIO 2022

The IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group just got informed by the DARC (German Amateur Radio Society) Youth Department about the status of the annual HAMCAMP during HAMRADIO fair in Friedrichshafen. Lots of worldwide youngsters use this opportunity to have an accomodation directly next to the Messe halls.

They state the following:

According to current planning by Messe Friedrichshafen, Hamradio will be held this year from June 24 – 26, 2022. Further information can be found at https://​www​.hamradio​-friedrichshafen​.de/

However, HamCamp will not take place this year.

Here, with a heavy heart, we had to make a different consideration than for Hamradio. At HamCamp, over 100 youth and supervisors would be housed in a comparatively small space and a variety of joint activities would take place. Even if there were no longer any legal requirements at this point, we would not be able to implement a hygiene concept that would meet the expected course of the pandemic and achieve sufficient protection for all participants. We also had to take into account that the supervising persons bear a special obligation by fulfilling the duty of supervision for minors.

We did not make this decision lightly, as we were very much looking forward to a HamCamp. We hope for a better situation in 2023!”

Source: https://​www​.darc​.de/​e​n​/​d​e​r​-​c​l​u​b​/​r​e​f​e​r​a​t​e​/​a​j​w​/​h​a​m​c​a​mp/

However, there is still the possibility to stay at the camping site just next to the fair grounds.
Further information can be found from the Messe Friedrichshafen and/or DARC website closer to the event.

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