
DX-Unlimited: Arnie Coro, CO2KK — SK

ARNALDO CORO ANTICH (CO2KK) DIED TODAY AT THE AGE OF 80, report Horacio A. Nigro, CX3BZ, from Uruguay, and Carlos Alberto Santamaria Gonzalez, CO2JC, coordinator of the FRC national emergency network and emergency coordinator of IARU R2.

Here is the text:

“In the early hours of 8 January 2023, our colleague Arnaldo de Jesús Coro Antich (CO2KK) passed away in a hospital in the capital at the age of 80 due to complications from his chronic illnesses.

Coro’s interest in radio began, he recounted, when he received a gift from his father: a coil with a galena stone and headphones to listen to radio stations. At the age of 12, he joined what was then the Radio Club de Cuba, the association that brought together radio amateurs in the capital in the late 1950s.

In 1957, he started working at the CMBA television station Channel 7, owned by the Mestre brothers, where he brought a lot of knowledge and experience to his work.

As a journalist he worked for the press and radio, his greatest passions. We remember his column on science in the magazine Juventud Técnica and his contributions to the radio station Juventud Rebelde. He also acted as a consultant. In radio, he was a member of the team of Radio Habana Cuba until his death, his programme “DXers Unlimited” in English reached all corners of the world, from where he received a lot of listener mail. Many foreign colleagues knew him as “Arnie” Coro. He also produced columns on science and technology in programmes on Radio Progreso, Radio Taíno and Radio Metropolitana.

Arnaldo was passionate about popularising science and technology and was always on the lookout for the latest discoveries and inventions to share with listeners and friends.

As a teacher, he also taught at the Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa Kourí” and at the International Institute of Journalism “José Martí”. However, his teaching activities were not limited to these; he constantly passed on his knowledge to everyone.

Since its foundation in 1966, he was a member of the Federation of Radio Amateurs of Cuba and an active member as well as a member of technical commissions and other positions, always looking for solutions to technical problems. He founded and produced the programme “Rueda del Multímetro” for a long period of time, in which he contributed to the understanding of the technical issues of amateur radio and gave answers to problems that many of his colleagues brought to him.

He actively contributed to rounds such as the Hurricane Net as well as the “Encuentro Capitalino” (Capital Meeting), where he offered his knowledge of solar activity and radio wave propagation, one of his favourite subjects, here he was a true connoisseur.

Another subject to which he devoted special interest, time and effort was emergency communications by radio amateurs. His radio station was always ready to help in case of emergencies and disasters in our country and region. At the time of his death, he was the Emergency Coordinator for Area C of Region 2 of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU R2).

I will always be grateful for our exchanges by radio or phone about the extreme weather events that threatened our area.

Coro, who was born on 2 July 1942, received the National Radio Award 2017 radio prize.

We extend our condolences to his family on his passing.

Rest in peace my friend. We will miss you.

Carlos Alberto Santamaría González (CO2JC)
National Coordinator of the FRC Emergency Network.
IARU R2 Emergency Coordinator.

IARU R2 info on Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky, CX3BZ, Uruguay.“

RIP, te echaremos de menos.
IARU R1 HF Manager

(Translation DF5JL; photo: RHC)

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