
Engagement in CEPT WRC-23 preparatory work continues

As usual, IARU SRLC volunteers participated in the two most recent CEPT CPG project team meetings. Project team A (PTA) is developing the CEPT Briefs and European Common Positions on a number of WRC-23 agenda items of interest to the amateur community. In particular agenda item 1.12 on Space-borne Earth Exploration Satellite Service Radar Sounders in the 40 – 50MHz band and agenda item 9.1a spectrum proposals for Space Weather Sounders are being followed carefully. The project team is also considering proposals for future WRC agenda items (Agenda item 10).

A summary report is available here

CEPT CPG project team C (PTC) also met to consider a range of agenda items that includes preparation of the CEPT Brief for the 23cm/RNSS agenda item 9.1b. No major change occurred to the substance of this Brief or the proposed CEPT position.

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