
YOTA Summer Camp Hungary 2023

On Saturday the 11th annual YOTA Summer Camp, will take place in Győr, Hungary, from the 5th to the 12th of August 2023. 

More than 100 participants from all over region 1 and guests from region 3 will attend the camp to enjoy ham radio together. Our schedule is filled with fun activities such as Night ARDF, the Intercultural Evening and “Train The Trainer” sessions, in which we discuss current topics in youth work across the member societies and develop ideas to tackle some of our common challenges together. During the camp we will activate the callsign HG23YOTA on all the major frequencies. 

We invite you to join us for the Opening Ceremony of the YOTA Summer Camp this Saturday, 5th August 2023, from 1800 UTC as the event will be live streamed on YouTube. 

Throughout the entire YOTA Summer Camp, daily news will be posted. Keep an eye out on our YOTA Social Media pages and website. 

Feel free to share these updates on your own social media platforms, spreading the enthusiasm to your societies and anyone else who might be interested. 

We are looking forward to a successful YOTA Summer Camp Hungary 2023 ahead! 

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