The final results of the 2nd edition (2023) of the IARU Region 1 VHF+ Trophy are available on the IARU R1 VHF Contest Robot pages.
We are happy to announce that the number of participants has increased in all the contests of the Trophy (except on November Marconi) compared to 2023; we had an average of 1847 logs per contest versus 1684 of the 2022 year.
A total number of 12.931 logs, from 145 MHz and above, have been evaluated in 2023, which set up a new record for Region 1.
In the graph, you can see the number of participants for each band, in 2022 and 2023.
Thanks to all the participants from all the IARU Region 1 countries, congratulations to all the section’s winners.
Diplomas are available for all the participants of the IARU Region 1 Contests and Trophy on the IARU R1 VHF Contest Robot pages.
The official prizing ceremony will be in Friedrichshafen Hamradio Messe on Friday, June 28th at 14:30 CET on the Main Stage.