We are happy to announce that Nestor Jacovides, 5B4AHZ, has been appointed the new
IARU region 1 PRC chair. Nestor has been working together with the former chair, Séamus, EI8BP, leading up to the appointment.

Nestor was licensed in 1993 at the age of 16. In 2004 he was elected on the committee of his regional club, which he served until April 2007, at which time he was elected as the Secretary of the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society. He continued serving from the post of Secretary until April 2015, when he was elected as President of the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society, a position which he serves to this date.
His main interests in amateur radio include dxing, contesting, field days, mentoring and tutoring new, prospective radio amateurs, especially the youth. He actively participates in annual youth science fairs promoting amateur radio. He serves as a volunteer member of various working groups for the IARU R1 “Shaping the Future” program.
He has an MSc in Data Communications Systems, and works for a telecommunications company as head of the access network department.
The Executive Committee also would like to thank Séamus, EI8BP, for his excellent work in IARU. As recognition of work done, Séamus was awarded the Roy Stevens G2BVN Memorial Trophy at the 2023 General Conference in Zlatibor.
The EC is pleased that Séamus will support Nestor during a transition period.