Home (R1)About IARUCommittees and Working GroupsARDFDocumentsRules for Championships in Amateur Radio Direction Finding

Rules for Championships in Amateur Radio Direction Finding

The ARDF Working Group maintains rules for international ARDF Championships, in particular, IARU Region 1 championships and world championships held in Region 1. These rules may also serve as a guideline for national rules and for rules in other IARU regions.

The IARU Region 1 Child Protection Policy is mandatory for all participants — organizers, team officials and competitors — of the IARU ARDF Championships.

The rules are divided into two parts. Part A deals with the organization of championships must be changed by the IARU Region 1 General Conference. Part B deals with the actual competition. Changes to part B are approved by the ARDF Working Group.

Print This Page Updated on July 15, 2021

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