Several projects target education using “space” and “amateur radio” as tools.
CanSat is a challenge for schools to build a “satellite” within the volume of a can. Amongst the technical skills of designing and building the satellite (electronics, Arduino programming, 3D-printing …) there is also a RF link that has to provide the telemetry.
Several schools are helped by amateur radio operators to build and test this to insure a mission-critical and reliable transmission.
In many countries there is a national CanSat organisation. All national winners are then invited to an international event sponsored by ESA.

MySat is an initiative of an open-source educational “satellite” for education.
It is used at the Euro Space Center for the SatCamp (summer camp for youngsters) where the satellite is build and launched, sending back telemetry over radio to a ground station.
Highlights of the Satcamp are:
- Electronics
- Programming
- Radio Transmissions
- fun activities (including FOX-O-Ring, recieving live satellites, visiting ESA Ground station and ESA Education facilities)
As a result, several youngsters have made the step and passed their radioamateur exam.