These frequencies have been adopted into the bandplans of each IARU region to be a focus for emergency communications in their areas. They are not ‘absolute’ frequencies but instead are ‘centres of activity’ and emergency communications may be found ±20kHz from these centres. Some countries may maintain other emergency frequencies in their own bandplans due to local requirements, QRM etc.
Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 |
3760 | 3750 or 3985 | 3600 |
7110 | 7060, 7240 or 7275 | 7110 |
14300 | 14300 | 14300 |
18160 | 18160 | 18160 |
21360 | 21360 | 21360 |
The countries below have allowed information on their HF frequency usage to be published. Where these are the same as the Global CoA frequencies these are shown in bold text. Remember activity is always +/- QRM or existing use.
Frequency (MHz) Country
1.873 Austria Switzerland
1.970 USB Norway
1.995 Slovenia
3.532 CW France
3.582 CW France
3.605 Slovenia
3.612 Bosnia-Herzegovina
3.630 Hungary
3.632 France
3.643 Austria Germany Switzerland
3.650 Greece (Internal)
3.660 Ireland
3.663 Great Britain
3.670 Netherlands ( National Use )
3.675 Croatia Montenegro
3.682 France
3.705 Romania
3.710 USB Norway
3.760 Andorra Belgium Bulgaria Germany Great Britain Greece Israel Netherlands Norway Portugal Poland Romania South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland
3.764 Bulgaria
3.768 Slovakia
3.777 Turkey
3.780 Lebanon
5.2785 Great Britain
5.360 Bosnia-Herzegovina Slovenia
5.363 Greece(USB)
5.365 Israel
5.380 Norway
5.390 Norway
7.032 CW France
7.040 Nigeria
7.042 CW France
7.065 Netherlands (National Use)
7.075 Greece (Internal)
7.075 Kenya
7.080 Lebanon
7.082 France
7.085 Austria Switzerland
7.090 Nigeria
7.092 France Turkey
7.105 Hungary Slovenia
7.110 Andorra Belgium Germany Great Britain Greece Israel Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland
7.115 Ireland Greece(Internal)
7.125 Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Montenegro
7.130 Israel
7.140 USB Norway
10.130 Israel
10.132 SSB/CW France
10.138 Switzerland
10.140 Norway
10.142 SSB/CW France
14.032 CW France
14.042 CW France
14.130 Greece (Internal)
14.132 France
14.182 France
14.300 Andorra Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany Great Britain Greece Israel Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia South Africa Spain Sudan Sweden
14.305 Lebanon
14.315 Sudan
18.125 Greece (Internal)
18.132 SSB/CW France
18.142 SSB/CW France
18.160 Andorra Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany Great Britain Greece Netherlands Poland Romania Spain Sweden
21.032 CW France
21.042 CW France
21.232 France
21.282 France
21.325 Greece (Internal)
21.360 Andorra Belgium Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany Great Britain Greece Lebanon Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Spain Sweden
24.932 SSB/CW France
24.942 SSB/CW France
24.975 USB Norway
28.032 CW France
28.082 CW France
28.350−28.450 Portugal
28.360 Romania
28.400 Slovenia
28.490 USB Norway
28.532 France
28.582 France
28.600 Lebanon
29.200 Portugal
There are no common frequencies for emergency communications in the VHF/UHF spectrum however the bands are heavily used for local communications by national emergency groups.
Some countries use existing calling frequencies in the bandplans to co-ordinate initial emergency work. These are shown in bold text below.
The countries below have allowed information on their VHF/UHF frequency usage to be published and this information was also requested by the C5 committee at the IARU Region 1 conference in Sun City 2011 so that it may be taken into account during bandplanning discussions.
Frequency (MHz) Country
50.700 DATA Norway
51.410 FM Slovenia
51.420 FM Slovenia
51.430 FM Slovenia
51.440 FM Slovenia
51.450 FM Slovenia
51.460 FM Slovenia
51.470 FM Slovenia
51.480 FM Slovenia
51.490 FM Slovenia
51.500 FM/DV Slovenia
51.510 FM Belgium Norway Portugal
51.520 FM Slovenia
51.530 FM Slovenia
51.540 FM Slovenia
51.550 FM Slovenia
51.650 FM Great Britain Netherlands
51.750 FM Great Britain
51.770 FM Great Britain
51.790 FM Great Britain
70.325 FM AX25 Winlink Ireland
70.350 FM Great Britain Ireland
70.375 FM Great Britain
70.400 FM Great Britain Netherlands
70.450 FM Norway
144.025 FM REPEATER Lebanon
144.032 CW France
144.082 CW France
144 – 146 BAND Nigeria
144.260 USB Germany Great Britain
144.300 USB & CW Bosnia-Herzegovina
144.525 FM Ireland
144.625 FM Great Britain
144.650 FM Great Britain
144.675 FM Great Britain
144.700 FM REPEATER Lebanon
144.775 FM Great Britain
144.800 APRS France Great Britain Greece Ireland
144.850 FM AX25 Winlink Ireland
144.925 DMR Netherlands TG99 CC1
145.200 FM Great Britain South Africa
145.2125 Greece
145.225 FM Great Britain Romania South Africa
145.250 FM Israel South Africa
145.275 FM Israel South Africa
145.300 FM Norway South Africa
145.325 FM Andorra
145.350 FM Belgium
145.400 FM Andorra
145.450 FM Andorra France
145.4625 FM France
145.475 FM France
145.500 FM Austria Bosnia-Herzgovina Croatia Germany Hungary Montenegro Morocco Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Switzerland
145.525 FM Greece
145.550 FM Spain
145.600 FM REPEATER Sudan
145.6125 FM/DV Repeater Norway ( ‑600kHz input )
145.625 FM REPEATER Andorra (CTCSS 123Hz ) FM/DMR Repeater Bosnia-Herzegovina ( CTCSS 103.5/CC1 )
145.675 FM/DMR REPEATER Bosnia-Herzegovina (CTCSS 103.5), Kenya
145.700 FM REPEATER Andorra
430.400 FM AX25 Ireland
430.800 FM REPEATER Great Britain
430.850 FM REPEATER INPUT Ireland
430.950 FM REPEATER INPUT Netherlands PI1DAR CTCSS 85.4
431.000 FM REPEATER Greece +7.6MHz shift
432.032 CW France
432.082 CW France
432.525 FM France
432.5375 FM France
432.550 FM France
432.775 FM REPEATER Great Britain
433.425 FM Greece
433.500 FM Andorra Austria Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Germany Montenegro Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland
433.525 FM Andorra
433.550 FM Andorra Spain
433.575 FM Greece DMR Netherlands TG99 CC1
433.700 FM Great Britain
433.725 FM Great Britain
433.750 FM Great Britain
433.775 FM Great Britain Ireland
434.375 FM REPEATER Great Britain
434.7375 FM/DV REPEATER Norway ( ‑2MHz input split )
438.100 FM REPEATER Lebanon
438.400 FM REPEATER Great Britain
438.450 FM REPEATER OUTPUT Ireland
438.550 FM REPEATER OUTPUT Netherlands PI1DAR CTCSS 85.4
438.750 FM REPEATER OUTPUT Andorra (-7.6MHz shift )
439.825 FM Morocco