Home (R1)About IARUCommittees and Working GroupsEmergency CommunicationsExercises, tests and meetings.

Exercises, tests and meetings.

To support emergency communications groups and demonstrate what Amateur Radio could provide in emergency situations, large exercises known as ‘GlobalSET’ or ‘Global Simulated Emergency Tests’ were organised. These were great demonstrations of how we could work together as a global community and helped develop a common understanding of each others but they were not frequent enough for training to be embedded and created a lot of organisational work.

In 2022 the Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators agreed to have a number of smaller exercises, tests and meetings through the year covering as many aspects of emergency communications as possible. The calendar below will contain links to details on the event as they are developed.

DateEventInstructionsAfter event learning points. 
February 26QO-100 TestClick here
March 27HF JS8call testClick here
April 23Co-Ordinators WebexSent to co-ordinators by email.
May 21HF SSB/CWClick here
June 24 Open meeting at Friedrichshafen(DE)Room ‘Bodensee’ 1200 Local time. Note smaller room size.
JulyDigital System Check-inClick here
September 24Co-Ordinators WebexSent to co-ordinators by email.
October 29QO-100 TestClick here
November 19Digital System Check-inClick here
December 10HF SSB/CWClick here
2022 Event calendar
Print This Page Updated on December 8, 2022

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