In an increasingly interconnected world each of us may need the support of emergency communicators in other countries but to do this effectively means that we need to learn more about each others capabilities and ways of working. We do have increased awareness of emergency communications around the world via the annual Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conferences (GAREC) which have been held since 2005 and the twice-yearly Global Simulated Emergency Tests (GlobalSET) since 2006 but there is still more to be done.
The GlobalSET objectives are very useful to set a framework for activities in Region 1. These objectives are:
- increase the common interest in emergency communications.
- test how usable the Centre of Activity frequencies are across ITU regions.
- create practices for international emergency communication
- practice the relaying of messages using all modes.
Testing of the Emergency Centre of Activity frequencies will continue using the GlobalSET events. There are however other issues regarding the use of frequencies within the Region. There are many groups who have regular wide area nets within their own country and a list of these nets can be found here. By publicising these nets more widely it will provide the opportunity for other groups to listen in and become familiar with other ways of working.
Finally the GlobalSET exercises will provide the opportunities to practice relaying messages between countries using a standard IARU HF Emergency Operating Procedure and demonstrate our capabilities.
Information on GlobalSET events is posted below.