
Documents [HF]

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➡ 10m FM Repeaters IARU Region 1 (PDF)

The simple list about the unmanned stations in IARU region 1 on the 10m band in PDF format (last update: 12/11/2017)

➡ 10m FM Repeaters IARU Region 1 (XLS)

The elaborate list with details about the unmanned stations in IARU region 1 on the 10m band in XLS format (last update: 12/11/2017)

➡ 160m Band IARU Region 1 (PDF)
160m Band in the IARU Region 1 — YELLOW indicates countries with exceptions based on RR footnote 5.96 or based on Article 4.4 for daily use or specifically for competitions. 

HF Beacon Coordinator
The Region 1 HF Beacon Coordinator deals with all matters relating to beacons at frequencies below 30 MHz within Region 1 and within the general policy for HF beacons laid down by the … [more]

HF Beacon List
This List is kept by Dennis Green, ZS4BS, the IARU Region 1 HF Beacon Coordinator. Please notify errors/changes to Dennis Green, ZS4BSzs4bs@​iaru-​r1.​org

➡ 10 Meter Beacon List
This listing is by no means complete and totally accurate. If you know of any information that can be included into this list that is now indicated with a ? , the author Bill Hays WJ5O would appreciate this info via wj5o[at]

HF Bandplan

After approval by the Virtual General Conference in Novi Sad 2020, the modifications of the Region 1 HF band plan became effective at 16 October 2020. 

IARU Region 1 band plan — why?

The article “IARU Region 1 band plan — why?” describes the philosophy of the IARU Region 1 band plan and gives some explanations how to read it. 

HF Manager’s Handbook (V 9.0)

The HF Manager’s Handbook is intended primarily as a guide for HF Managers. In some cases, you can also use the new handbook as a reference book.

ARRL DXCC Standings

The listings on this webpage are made available as Adobe PDF files.

ARRL DXCC List / Current Entities

Current Entities Total: 340 (Entry level Honor Roll is 331 current entities)

Print This Page Updated on March 11, 2023

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