How can you help?
As Chairman of the Political Relations Committee (PRC) I would like to encourage any member of an IARU Region 1 Member Society with an interest in the work of PRC, with particular emphasis on electromagnetic compatibility issues and software defined radio to contribute to the work of PRC.
Meeting Experts
Meeting Experts are Contributors who may be designated to attend a one-off or series of particular meetings, project teams, working groups or committees of external organisations, or other IARU committees. A report of the meeting attended is required subsequent to the meeting which should normally be no longer than an A4 or Letter page. It should preferably be written in a form suitable for publication in the news section(s) of the IARU Region 1 web-site. Out of pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings are refundable. Meeting Experts will also be expected to comment on documents and papers from external organisations as well as those produced by SRLC Experts before they are sent to external organisations.
General Experts
General Experts will receive PRC documents being reviewed or developed within the PRC. Such Contributors are unlikely to have to attend physical meetings except perhaps an informal gathering at the Friedrichshafen ‘Ham Radio’ annual event. Conference calls can be arranged using Go-To Meeting or Skype.
A major function of all Contributors will be to identify areas of interest to PRC and to assist in the responses to public consultation.
While most documents will be in English, it is not necessary for Contributors to comment or communicate with PRC in English.
If you have any questions or queries on the work of the PRC or would like further information on contributing to the work of PRC please contact PRC Chairman Séamus EI8BP (