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SRLC Terms of Reference

SRLC identifies and commissions Region 1 experts to represent IARU at meetings/conferences of regulatory and standardisation organisations in accordance with the following Terms of Reference and objectives:

  • Monitors and researches developments in relevant regulatory forums which potentially impact the amateur Service and amateur-satellite Service (the amateur services);
  • Advises the IARU Executive Committee (EC) on the workings of RTOs which might impact the interests of the amateur services and process material and undertake actions delegated to it by the EC in respect of these bodies;
  • Prepares submissions on regulatory and spectrum management issues detailing the views, concerns and objectives of the amateur services within the overall envelope of IARU’s global strategies;
  • For ITU issues works closely with the IARU officers and experts from IARU Regions 2 and 3 to arrive at common positions to take in RTOs worldwide
  • Liaises with the Political Relations Committee (PRC) on matters arising in the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) and Radio Spectrum Committee (RSC) of the European Commission;
  • Provides advice on regulatory concerns to IARU Member Societies and coordinate actions in core areas in support of IARU Region 1 and IARU global spectrum strategies.
Print This Page Updated on August 15, 2019

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