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How IARU is Financed

The member-societies of the IARU pay dues to the regional IARU organization to which they belong. The regional organizations expend their income in accordance with the budgets adopted by the member-societies at regional conferences.

The regional organizations contribute 10% of their dues income to the International Secretariat to defray a portion of the expenses incurred by the International Secretariat that are above and beyond its Constitutional obligation. These expenses are related primarily to representing the amateur and amateur-satellite services at the ITU and other international organizations.

The income of member-societies, including the International Secretariat, comes from the dues paid by the individual members of the member-societies. When a radio amateur or friend of amateur radio joins his or her national IARU member-society, a portion of the dues helps to offset the expenses of international representation.

Print This Page Updated on December 9, 2019

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