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How to Volunteer

Does the mission of the IARU interest and motivate you? Do you have skills, expertise, and time that you would be willing to devote to the betterment of amateur radio? If so, we would love to hear from you!

Most IARU volunteers start out by volunteering within their IARU member-society. This often leads to involvement in committees or working groups in their regional organization. Radio amateurs with international experience at the ITU or similar organizations may find that their talents can be put to good use by the regional or global IARU organizations.

Contact information for the IARU member-societies is listed here. If you would like to volunteer directly to the IARU please email the Secretary: secretary@​iaru.​org. Include descriptions of your amateur radio and professional experience and identify any potential conflicts of interest with your employment that might arise.

Print This Page Updated on January 17, 2020

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