DX-Unlimited: Arnie Coro, CO2KK — SK
ARNALDO CORO ANTICH (CO2KK) DIED TODAY AT THE AGE OF 80, report Horacio A. Nigro, CX3BZ, from Uruguay, and Carlos Alberto Santamaria Gonzalez, CO2JC, coordinator of the FRC national emergency network and emergency coordinator of IARU R2​.Here is the text:“In …
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HAARP Asteroid Bounce Experiment
As announced, the signals of the “HAARP Asteroid Bounce Experiment” from Gakona/Alaska could also be received in DL and other parts of Europe at 9600 kHz today (27.12.) around 11 am UTC. This is shown by some reports which reached …
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DL: Temporary permit for 160m further extended
In the Official Gazette No. 24, 2022 (https://​www​.bnetza​-amtsblatt​.de/​2​0​22/) published on 21 December 2022, the national telecommunications authority “Bundesnetzagentur” (BNetzA) granted the request of the Amateur Radio Round Table (RTA) and extended all temporary permits for the amateur radio service whose …
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