“Any radio amateur currently transmitting from Ukraine is risking his or her life. If you hear a Ukrainian station, do not broadcast its callsign, location or frequency — whether on the band, in a cluster or on social media. You may be putting lives at risk.” …
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UBA DX CW Contest cancelled
Due to the current events, the UBA has decided to cancel the UBA DX CW 2022 contest which was scheduled to take place this weekend (26 and 27 FEB). This is reported by UBA HF Manager Egbert Hertsen, ON4CAS. …
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Iceland: Use of 160m band renewed for 2022
Iceland’s Amateur Radio Association (IRA) reports that the Telecommunications Authority (Fjarskiptastofa) has approved an application to renew its permit for amateur radio use from 1850 – 1900 kHz in 2022. The permit also covers contests such as the ARRL International DX …
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