GlobalSET 2015 — Report Published
The final report for the Global Simulated Emergency Test held on 18 December 2015 is now available from this website. Although there was a lot learned from the exercise, it was generally a success in demonstrating the speed that amateur radio can …
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GlobalSET 2015 — Exercise complete
The Global Simulated Emergency Test ( GlobalSET ) started on 18th December with a 24 – 48 hour timelimit for Emergency Communications Groups around the world to carry out an availability exercise, contacting their members to find out how many would …
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Global Simulated Emergency Test 2015
Since 2006 the International exercises organised by IARU Region 1 have concentrated on testing between countries using the emergency centre of activity frequencies defined in the band plans, and passing formal messages across language barriers. Some countries are very involved in emergencies …
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GlobalSET Rules — November 2014
Global Simulated Emergency Test – Sunday 23rd November 2014 IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-Stations of all IARU member societies and stations of Emergency Communications Groups to participate in a Global Simulated Emergency Test on Sunday November 23th, 2014 11.00 – 15.00 Local Time …
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