Introducing IARU Region 1 Youth coordinator — PA2LS
Lisa PA2LS, currently 21 years old, obtained her first license when she was 13 years old. She received the novice call PD2LLS. In 2009 she passed the full-license exam. In the summer of 2010 Lisa went to Romania as leader …
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Presentation on Amateur Radio youth activities in Finland
During the past seven years Suomen Radioamatööriliitto (SRAL Finland) organised several youth activities. Before 2004 youth activities were not recognized by SRAL. A youth committee of SRAL was established, the idea was to let youth get more experience in running official meetings and …
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Lisa, PA2LS, appointed as the IARU Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator
Following the creation of a Youth Co-ordinator portfolio during the Region 1 General Conference at Sun City in August 2011, the Region called for nominations for a Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator. Three nominations were received, namely Mari Nikkilae, OH2FPK, Lisa Leenders, PA2LS and Georgi …
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SSA Sweden Amateur Radio Youth Activities
Sweden’s local Amateur Radio clubs conducts various activities involved in introduction to amateur radio and education of prospective radio amateurs on a regular basis. Presently there are two scout camps active on amateur radio: SC6EFS and SJ22S. SJ22S is the 22nd World Scout …
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URE Youth Activities presented through different articles
In the last few years, UNION DE RADIOAFICIONADOS ESPANOLES (URE) promoted several editions of the activity named Radio Day in the Schools (May/June) where the students are allowed to operate an amateur station in their school under supervision of a licensed EA operator.The URE …
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