Home (R1)On the Air

On the Air

Amateur Radio is an activity with many special interest areas and an activity of continuous self-training. Radio amateurs have available a wide range of on-air experiences which contribute to their self-training and support experimentation and exploration of radio technologies.

Activities include:

  • Exploration of digital signal processing techniques
  • Development of new antenna systems
  • Public service for emergency communications
  • Propagation exploration
  • Low power communication
  • Exploration of anomalous propagation modes, including tropospheric, ionospheric and grey-line, trans-equatorial, chordal hop, meteor scatter and Earth-Moon-Earth
  • Wideband and narrow band digital television 
  • Use of amateur satellites
  • Using competitive aspects of amateur radio (contests) to improve equipment and antenna performance 

This section of the website is mainly of interest to those who are already radio amateurs or listeners. It describes some of the on-air activities sponsored by IARU or related to IARU’s work. Other on-the-air activities are sponsored by national IARU Member Societies and by a wide range of special interest groups. Detail of these can be obtained from Member Societies in the country concerned.

Refer to the sub-menu at the left for information on specific topics.

Print This Page Updated on April 29, 2022

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