Home (R1)SpectrumMonitoring System (IARUMS)IARUMS R1 Terms of Reference

IARUMS R1 Terms of Reference


Concerning revised terms of reference for the IARU Monitoring System

The IARU Administrative Council, 2012

Recognizing that in accordance with the IARU constitution, it is the obligation of the IARU and its member-societies to defend the interests of the amateur services;

Further recognizing the valuable contribution to the defence and promotion of amateur radio provided by the IARU Monitoring System and its dedicated volunteers who have acted in the past both under an international coordinator and three regional coordinators as authorized by the Administrative Council and the regional organizations respectively;

Also recognizing that to deal effectively with cases and improper use of the amateur bands by non-amateur stations requires the active involvement of the regional coordinators and member societies to deal with administrations; 

Also recognizing that new and changing technologies make the identification of stations improperly using amateur bands increasingly difficult and requires adequate and up to date information and education facilities being readily available for all involved in the IARUMS;

Also recognizing the intruder alert system and the intruder logger which have been implemented by the IARU monitoring system Region 1 and is used as an interface with other monitoring system coordinators and volunteers;

Also recognizing communication to administrations on an expedited basis by the IARU Monitoring System is paramount;
Also recognizing that the post of IARUMS International Coordinator has been vacant for some years and that the regional coordinators are effectively implementing the aims of the IARU Monitoring System;

Noting the desirability of amending the terms of reference of the IARU Monitoring System to reflect current events;


1 — The IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) is a worldwide service authorized by the IARU Administrative Council (AC) through regional coordinators;

2 — The objectives of the IARUMS are the identification and initiation of steps leading to the removal from amateur bands of radio signals of non-amateur stations causing harmful interference to the amateur and amateur satellite services contrary to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio Regulations;

3 — Each of the three IARU regional organizations will appoint a IARUMS Regional Coordinator, under its own regional terms of reference in harmony with the terms and objectives of the worldwide IARUMS and this Resolution. Each Regional Coordinator shall be responsible to the regional organization that appointed him or her;

4 — The IARUMS operations will be coordinated by the IARUMS Committee (MSC). The MSC will:
(a) facilitate the establishment of a single website to facilitate the work of the IARUMS and the contribution of the member societies,
(b) establish a common method of communication within and to the MSC by electronic or web based means,
© prepare web based training material for the IARUMS website and member-societies,
(d) standardise, coordinate and facilitate reporting to national administrations,
(e) report to the AC as required, and
(f) address such other matters relevant to the IARUMS that may arise from time to time.

5 — The MSC shall consist of the President of the IARU or his or her nominee from the IARU Officers from time to time (the “IS Representative”) and the three IARUMS Regional Coordinators;

6 — The AC encourages each member-society to have a National MS Coordinator guiding a group of volunteers in the monitoring activities.

7 — Member societies shall report details of the improper use of amateur bands by stations in their own country to their own national administration and take all steps possible to ensure that their administration acts to stop such improper use. Details of cases of established improper use of the amateur bands that cannot be resolved by the member society with its own administration shall be forwarded by the member society to its IARUMS Regional Coordinator.

8- Member societies and their National MS Coordinators are encouraged to report details of the improper use of amateur bands by stations in other countries to their own national administration so that their administration may raise the matter with the administration of the station concerned.

9 — Any cases of improper use of amateur bands received by a IARU regional organization or that the IARUMS identifies directly shall be handled by the following procedure:
(a) As soon as possible after receiving or identifying a case, the IARUMS Regional Coordinator will verify the case.
(b) Upon verification, the IARUMS Regional Coordinator will report to the MSC and the relevant national member-society.
© Unless within 72 hours an objection is raised by the relevant national member-society to the MSC taking any further action on the case or if no response from the relevant national-member society to the report referred to in (b) above is received, the matter will be referred to the MSC for discussion and the MSC will make a determination as to the further action to be taken but in the event of a lack of consensus within the MSC as to the action to be taken then the IS Representative will make a final determination.
(d) Subject to a decision from the MSC arising from paragraph ©, the relevant IARUMS coordinator in consultation with the MSC will report the case to the station concerned or the relevant national administration.

10 — No communications concerning improper use of the amateur bands shall be directed by Regional Coordinators to member-societies or any other entities outside of their own region without prior consultation with the MSC.

11 — Any and all contact with the ITU involving matters relating to the IARUMS and its activities shall be made only through the International Secretariat and the only with the approval of the IS Representative of the MSC. No contact with a regional telecommunication organization shall be made by any IARUMS Coordinator or the MSC without the prior approval in writing of the executive committee of the respective regional IARU organization.

12 — The IARUMS shall not become involved in the monitoring and reporting of harmful interference in amateur bands caused by stations identified as or believed to be amateur stations.

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