Home (R1)Shaping the Future

Shaping the Future

In October 2021 the Region 1 workshop for the future of amateur radio was organized online. About 50 countries and 100 participants joined the 5 days workshop and the 7 sessions.

For many years there have been discussions about the ham radio situation: what will our hobby look like ten years from now? Can we still take advantage of the radio spectrum to experiment, learn, or simply have a good time chatting with our friends?

So as not to let the future — or others — define this for us, we have decided to take matters into our own hands: The member societies of Region 1 have agreed to meet and reflect together on the direction they want to give to amateur radio. 

After taking the time to analyze the current situation, a process of reflection was carried out to agree on the medium-term objectives and on the actions to be taken to make this ambition a reality. 

We will shape our future together, to move amateur radio in the direction we have chosen.

Shaping the Future pages:

Print This Page Updated on January 1, 2022

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