1. The EMC Committee is a Permanent Committee of IARU Region 1, set up by the General Conference. It acts under the provisions of the IARU Region 1 Constitution and Byelaws.
2. Its aims are:
a. to exchange information related to all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
b. to provide advice on EMC questions to IARU Region 1 Member Societies (MS)
c. to prepare papers on EMC, presenting the interests of radio amateurs with respect to EMC
d. to influence EMC related standards for the benefit of radio amateurs
e. to bring potential EMC threats to the Amateur and Amateur Satellite Services, from emerging technologies, to the attention of the ERC and PRC, tasking the latter through the EC to influence relevant legislative changes and implementation, internationally and nationally
f. to work in close and regular contact with specialists in Member Societies. Its strategies will be in the main, because of proper consultation with MS
3. The EMC Committee Chairman shall be appointed at each triennial General Conference and shall act in accordance with the procedures described in the Region 1 Bylaws. It is a permanent body in the sense of B.3.10.
4. The EMC Committee Chairman Coordinates the work of the Committee and may – after approval of the budget – participate in meetings / symposia either himself or by an appointed representative.
5. The EMC Committee Chairman shall report annually to the EC and to a General Conference. He shall attend the Region 1 General Conference.
6. The EMC Committee Chairman’s expenses will be reimbursed according to the appropriate parts of the Region 1 Bylaws.
7. A member of the EMC Committee shall be nominated to provide EMC expertise on the PRC.
8. The work of the EMC Committee shall be carried out mainly by correspondence. If it is deemed necessary by the Chairman or by the EC a meeting of the EMC Committee may be convened after approval of and in consultation with the EC