
Lisa, PA2LS, appointed as the IARU Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator

Following the creation of a Youth Co-ordinator portfolio during the Region 1 General Conference at Sun City in August 2011, the Region called for nominations for a Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator. Three nominations were received, namely Mari Nikkilae, OH2FPK, Lisa Leenders, PA2LS and Georgi Atanasov Vodenicharov, LZ1ZF.

During the teleconference of the Region 1 Executive Committee held on 10 October 2011, it was decided to appoint Lisa Leenders, PA2LS, as the Region 1 Youth Co-ordinator. Lisa will be working with the Youth Co-ordinators from the various member societies to promote amateur radio amongst the youth in Region 1.

Congratulations to Lisa!

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