
YOTA 2013 Estonia: call for participation, deadline on 20.12.2012

During the summer of 2013, a youth radio camp “Youngsters On The Air” will be held in Estonia, organized by the Estonian Radio Amateurs Union. During this week teams of young radio amateurs from 10 different European countries will be participating in different activities: presentations, competitions, visiting radio stations, observatory, etc…

As two previous events in Romania and Belgium/Netherlands have shown, it will be a great experience for the young hams which they will never forget.

When: 5 – 12 August 2013

Participants: 10 teams from different European member associations of IARU R1. A team consists of a team leader, who could be an older person, and 4 team members in the age between 14 – 25 years.

Location: Near the city of Tartu, Estonia.

Fees: Participants pay 30% of the travel costs, plus a participation fee of €50. All other costs will be covered by the Youth in Action programme of the European Commission.

If your organization is interested to participate, please respond NLT 20 December 2012, by means of the downloadable form, as the full application should be ready before 1 February 2013.

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