21 – 23 June brings the largest gathering of Radio Amateurs in Europe and also the largest gathering of Emergency Communicators at HAMRADIO 2019 in Friedrichshafen. IARU Region 1 will be hosting a meeting for Radio Amateurs interested in Emergency Communications in Room Rom on Friday 21st June starting at 1200 local time with the following preliminary programme ( times may change ).
1200 – 1215 Greg G0DUB Welcome and short Region 1 report.
1215 – 1240 Mike SP9XWM and Cris SP7WME — Polish use of new technology in exercises
1240 – 1300 Open Discussion — What use can we make of Satellites and other new modes for Emergency Communications. Discussing Low Earth Orbit as well as Geostationary satellites, HF conditions and weak signal message modes ( e.g. JS8call ).
1300 – 1330 Alberto IK1YLO — Film : 6 minutes about NEIFLEX ( North East Italian Flood Exercise ) European Exercise of 5⁄9 June 2018 followed by
an update on their national DMR project.
1330 – 1340 Ron 4X1IG — ‘Contest as a drill’
1340 – 1400 Oliver DL7TNY — Introduction to AREDN data networks
1400 – 1430 Open Forum. Any remaining questions and guidance for new groups.
1430 – 1530 Greg G0DUB — How would we respond to a power grid failure. A short exercise.
The Working language for this meeting will be English.