
Mexico and USA request clear frequencies for Hurricane Milton

Violent Windstorm

Carlos, CO2JC the IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator has relayed two messages requesting clear frequencies for our colleagues responding to Hurricane Milton in the Caribbean.

Due to the proximity of Hurricane Milton to Mexican territory, the Mexican Federation of Radio Experimenters A.C. are asking for protection of their emergency frequency 7128 kHz currently in use (Monday 7th October ).
The hurricane will move near or over the northern Yucatan Peninsula on Monday and Tuesday before crossing the Gulf of Mexico to approach the east coast of the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday.

The American ‘Hurricane Watch Net’ is planning to activate on Tuesday using 14.325MHz and 7.268MHz through to Thursday to collect and forward storm reports to the US National Hurricane Center as well as handling any Emergency or Health & Welfare Traffic.

These frequencies do not affect the ongoing response to flooding in Bosnia.

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