
Poland requests clear frequencies for flood response

Storm Boris is affecting many countries in Central Europe, currently including Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Austria. 18 people have sadly lost their lives with several thousand evacuated from their homes. 

As part of the response, Krzysztof SP5E, President of the Polish National Society PZK reports that Polish Radio Amateurs responding to the flooding are likely to use VHF/UHF for the primary response but they are also requesting that 3.760MHz, 7.110MHz, and 14.300MHz may also be used. All radio amateurs are asked to keep these Emergency Centre of Activity frequencies clear if needed for message handling. 

The effects of the flooding are also being felt along the river Danube with Slovakia and Hungary already seeing rising river levels. 

The rivers Danube, Elbe, Vistula and Oder all have catchments region, and river flooding may be seen more widely across parts of Germany, Poland, Hungary and Romania over the coming days so again, please listen before transmitting in the area of any of the Emergency Centre of Activity frequencies listed above and avoid causing interference to any response activities. 

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