
YOTA Summer Camp 2024 in Czechia

Last Friday marked the beginning of this year’s annual YOTA summer camp, this time hosted in Czechia by the Czech Radio Club. With 90 participants from 30 countries and a packed schedule of activities, it is poised to be a great event, and hopefully inspires societies and hams all over Region 1 (and beyond!) in their efforts to get more youth into the hobby.

Detailed daily reports and photos can be found on the Youngsters On The Air website:
Arrival Day: The Adventure Begins!
Day 1: A Blast from the Start!
Day 2: Meeting the Countries
Day 3: Construction and Culture
Day 4: Culture and Construction
Day 5: A Day of Exploration and Learning
Day 6: A Farewell to Prague
Gallery: YOTA Summer Camp 2024

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