
QO-100 Emergency Comms Exercise Feb 2022

Banner graphic for QO-100 exercise

The event will take place 0900 – 1100UTC February 26 2022


The objectives of the test are;

1. increase the common interest in emergency communications.
2. get emergency communications stations used to working each other.
3. practice the relaying of messages.

Please remember that this is not a contest, it is an emergency communications exercise to develop the skills we will need to provide an international emergency network.


Stations must be able to work full duplex, i.e. hear their own transmissions.

To avoid QRM, stations must QSY in 5kHz steps away from any activity.
Stations must use the minimum power for communications at all times.

Frequencies to be used

Uplink 2400.350‑2400.380MHz

Downlink 10489.850 – 10489.880MHz

G4NRC will be operating on the centre of activity for this event of 10489.865 MHz. He will be calling CQ and taking signal reports and offering messages to stations who are known to be working in the exercise. If he has a pile-up then stations will be worked in order to get signal reports first as messages can take a few minutes to send.
Another centre of activity on 10489.850MHz will be used by stations to work each
other and test their stations capabilities to work around the QO-100 footprint according to a separately issued schedule.

Participating Countries/Stations

Belgium ON7JV
Bosnia-Herzegovina E70ARA ( ops E74MG and E71AR )
Germany DK0CRT, DQ0O, DR1C and DR4W
Hungary HA8DH
Israel 4X1NET 4Z1NET
Netherlands PI9DB ( op PA3ETC ) and PI9DO (op PH3K)
Poland SP5IOU
Portugal CT1REP (op CT2GOY)
Romania YO3KSR (op YO3IHG)
Slovakia OM2ABC
Slovenia S50ABR, S50AMB and S50ACE
South Africa ZS4DCC
Spain EA8RH
United Kingdom G4KUJ

Message Format

Messages should be formatted using the IARU HF International Emergency Operating Procedure and to comply with licensing regulations must be addressed to a licenced Radio Amateur.

Messages should be less than 25 words and must not include anything which would be considered as a ‘real emergency’ message by a listener.

For example;
* Weather report at the station location
* Number of operators available
* Interesting fact about the station
would all be acceptable messages.

There is no limit on the number of messages to be sent but each one must have a unique message number.

Receive only activity

If you cannot transmit on QO-100 then you will be able to listen to the exercise through Software Defined Receivers at these web locations;


http://​websdr​.is0grb​.it:8901/ <http://​websdr​.is0grb​.it:8901/>

Print This Page Updated on February 25, 2022

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