GlobalSET Rules in other languages.
The Rules for the Global Simulated Emergency Test of 14th November 2009 have been translated into other languages and will be available via links from this article as they are uploaded. GlobalSETNov09Rules-DutchDownload GlobalSETNov09Rules-frenchDownload GlobalSETNov09Rules-GermanDownload Traduzione+italiana+del+GSetDownload GlobalSETListopad2009RegulaminDownload 2009_Globalset_14+Nov_PTDownload GlobalSETNov09Rules-SpanishDownload …
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GlobalSET Rules — 14 November 2009
Saturday November 14th 2009 18.00 — 22.00 UTC IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-Stations of all IARU member societies and stations of Emergency Communications Groups to participate in a Global Simulated Emergency Test on Saturday November 14th, 2009 18.00 – 22.00 UTC. The …
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The next IARU GlobalSET is scheduled for 18 April 2009 between 11:00 and 15:00 UTC. This is an exercise between stations interested in emergency communications and is not a contest. Activity will be concentrated around the IARU Emergency Centre of Activity frequencies …
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