
GlobalSET 2015 — Report Published

The final report for the Global Simulated Emergency Test held on 18 December 2015 is now available from this website.

Although there was a lot learned from the exercise, it was generally a success in demonstrating the speed that amateur radio can respond to an incident and a dramatic increase in the number of Radio Amateurs who took part compared to earlier events. Of over 8000 amateurs contacted as part of the event, around 20 – 30% stated that they would be available to respond in < 1 Hour depending onthe IARU region concerned.

The report has already been distributed to Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators around the world but it is emphasised that this was not a contest about who could be quickest to respond. Instead it is hoped that it will cause more discussion about how to improve our resilience and be used to assist planning and talks with our Served Agencies.

To download the report, or the translations into Spanish or Romanian please click the links below.

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