Following approval by delegates at the Virtual General Conference in October 2020, proposals to amend the Region 1 Constitution were put to a vote of all Member Societies in December 2020. The changes principally covered two areas:
- Introduction of the facility to hold virtual general conferences, subject to prior agreement of Member Societies
- Changes to the wording of the Constitution to make it gender-neutral
The voting has now closed. Under Article 7.1 of the Constitution, two-thirds of those Member Societies entitled to vote need to vote in favour for changes to be made to the Constitution. The number entitled to vote is 85 and therefore 57 votes in favour are needed.
The results of the vote, which have been checked and validated by the Chairman of Committee C2 at the VGC, are:
- For the resolution: 67 votes
- Against the resolution: 3 votes
- Abstentions: 1 vote
- Invalid votes: 1
A total of 72 member societies voted of the 85 possible.
The proposed changes are therefore approved. The revised Constitution has been placed on the Region 1 website at